Erturaç, M.K., (2023) Antarktika'nın Jeolojik ve Tektonik Gelişimi, Buzul Çağları, Depremler, Drumlinler, Eskerler, Levha Tektoniği, Neotektonik. In: Burcu Özsoy (Ed) Kutup Bilimleri Ansiklopedisi by Kandemir, R. Akçar, N. (Ed) , II. Yerbilimleri. TÜBİTAK Yayınları
Kırkan, E., Akyüz, H. S., Basmenji, M., Dikbaş, A., Zabcı, C., Yazıcı M. & Erturaç, M. K. (2023). Earthquake history of the Milas Fault: An active dextral fault in an extensional province (SW Anatolia, Turkey). Natural Hazards, 116(2), 1639-1662.
Kazancı, N., Gürbüz, E., Özgüneylioğlu, A., Gürbüz, A., Boyraz-Aslan, S., Erturaç, M. K., . & Yedek, Ö. (2022). An inventory of coastal spits of the eastern Mediterranean and Black seas. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, 1-21.
Ongun Sevindik, T., Erdoğan, M., Tunca, H., Güzel, U., & Erturaç, M. K. (2022). The effects of inter-annual fluctuations in precipitation, lake surface area, and wind speed on phytoplankton structure in three shallow Mediterranean lakes (Sakarya, Turkey). Aquatic Ecology, 1-22.
Özkoç, Ö. Ü., Erturaç, M. K., & Selçuk, A. Y. (2022). New Data on Distribution of Suncus etruscus Savi, 1822 (Mammalia: Soricidae) in Eastern Anatolia. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma, 15(2), 179-185.
Avşin, N., Erturaç, M. K., Şahiner, E., & Demir, T. (2021). The Quaternary Climatic and Tectonic Development of the Murat River Valley (Muş Basin, Eastern Turkey) as Recorded by Fluvial Deposits Dated by Optically Stimulated Luminescence. Quaternary, 4(3), 29.
Akyüz, H. S., Basmenji, M., Kırkan, E., Aksoy, M. E., Dikbaş, A., & Erturaç, M. K. (2021). Muğla Fayı, GB Türkiye: Morfometrik, Jeomorfolojik ve Paleosismolojik Yeni Bulgular. Yerbilimleri, 42(2), 232-260.
Selçuk, A. S., Erturac, M. K., Karabacak, V., Sancar, T., KUL, A. Ö., & Yavuz, M. A. Sancak-Uzunpazar Fay Zonu’nun Genç Tektonik Konumu ve Paleosismitesi. Türk Deprem Araştırma Dergisi, 3(1), 75-91.
Erturac, M. K. (2021). Late Pleistocene-Holocene characteristics of the North Anatolian Fault at Adapazarı Basin: evidence from the age and geometry of the fluvial terrace staircases. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 30(1), 93-115.
Selçuk, A. S., Erturac, M. K., Sunal, G., & Çakır, Z. (2020). Evaluation of the Plio-Quaternary tectonic stress regime from fault kinematic analysis in the lake Van Basin (Eastern Anatolia). Journal of Structural Geology, 140, 104157.
Gürsel Sunal, M. Korhan Erturac, Pınar Gutsuz, István Dunkl, Ziyadin Çakir (2019) Reconstructing deformation of the North Anatolian Fault Zone through restoring the Oligo-Miocene exhumation pattern of the Almacık Block (NW Turkey) based on the apatite (U-Th)/He ages. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences; 56(11):1202-1217., DOI:10.1139/cjes-2018-0283
M. Korhan Erturac, Ozan Erdal, Gürsel Sunal, Okan Tuysuz, Sevket Sen (2019) Quaternary Evolution of the Suluova Basin: Implications on Tectonics and Palaeonvironments of the Central North Anatolian Shear Zone. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 56(11):1239-1261., DOI:10.1139/cjes-2018-0306
Gürsel Sunal, Mehmet Korhan Erturaç, Gültekin Topuz, Aral I. OKAY, Thomas Zack (2019) The Early Eocene Ekmekçi granodiorite porphyry in the Karacabey region (western Sakarya Zone, NW Turkey). TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 08/ DOI:10.3906/yer-1811-5
Mehmet Korhan Erturaç, Eren Şahiner, Cengiz Zabcı, Hilal Okur, George S. Polymeris, Niyazi Meriç (2019) Fluvial response to rising levels of the Black Sea and to climate changes during the Holocene: Luminescence geochronology of the Sakarya terraces. The Holocene, DOI:10.1177/0959683619831428
Ozan Erdal, M. Korhan Erturaç, H. Nüzhet Dalfes, Sevket Sen (2018) Rodents from the Middle Pleistocene of Niksar Basin (Tokat-Turkey): Implications on palaeoenvironment and the North Anatolian Fault. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen; 289(1):77-111., DOI:10.1127/njgpa/2018/0751
Ozan Erdal, Sevket Sen, M. Korhan Erturac, Erhan Bıçakçı (2018) The rodent fauna from the Neolithic human settlement of Tepecik-Çiftlik (Niğde, Turkey). Mammalia, DOI:10.1515/mammalia-2018-0006
Eren Şahiner, M. Korhan Erturaç, Georgios S. Polymeris, Niyazi Meriç (2018) Methodological studies on integration time interval's selection for the luminescence ages using quartz and feldspar minerals; sediments collected from Sakarya, Turkey. Radiation Measurements DOI:10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.06.024
Korhan Erturaç, Nafiye Güneç Kıyak (2017) Yeşilırmak Taraçalarında (Orta Kuzey Anadolu) Geç Pleyistosen İklim Değişiklikleri ve Düşey Yönlü Deformasyona Akarsu Cevabının Araştırılması /Investigating the Fluvial Response to Late Pleistocene Climate Changes and Vertical Deformation: Yeşilırmak Terrace Staircases (central north Anatolia). 12/2017; 60(4):615-636., DOI:10.25288/tjb.370625
Eren Şahiner, M. Korhan Erturaç, Niyazi Meriç (2017): Termal-Asistan Optik Uyarmalı Lüminesans (TA-OSL) Tekniğiyle Milyon Yıl Mertebesindeki Jeolojik Örneklerin Tarihlendirilmesi: Gediz Taraçaları, Kula/Manisa. Geological Bulletin of Turkey 12/2017; 60(4):489-506., DOI:10.25288/tjb.360609
Erhan Bıçakçı, Martin Godon, Ali Metin Büyükkarakaya, M. Korhan Erturaç, Catherine Kuzucuoğlu, Yasin Gökhan Çakan, Alice Vinet (2017): Les fouilles de Tepecİk-Çİftlİk et les activites du programme Melendİz Prehistorique, Campagne 2016, Anatolia Antiqua (2017), v. 25, p. 71-94.
Gregoire Metais, Ozan Erdal, Mehmet Korhan Erturaç, K Christopher Beard (2017): Tarsal morphology of the pleuraspidotheriid mammal Hilalia from the middle Eocene of Turkey. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 03/2017; 62(1)., DOI:10.4202/app.00314.2016
Nizamettin Kazanci, Nazire Özgen Erdem, M. Korhan Erturaç (2017): Kültürel Jeoloji ve Jeolojik Miras; Yerbilimlerinin Yeni Açılımları Cultural Geology and Geological Heritage; new initiatives for earthsciences. Geological Bulletin of Turkey 02/2017; 60(1)., DOI:10.25288/tjb.297797
Ebru Akkopru, Damase Mouralis, Anne-Kyria Robin, Catherine Kuzucuoglu, M. Korhan Erturac (2017): Doğu Anadolu’daki Obsidiyen Kaynak Alanlarının Belirlenmesinde Jeomorfolojik ve Volkanolojik Göstergelerin Önemi The Importance of the Geomorphological and Volcanological Indicators in Determining Obsidian Source Areas. Geological Bulletin of Turkey 01/2017; 60(1)., DOI:10.25288/tjb.297818
M. Korhan Erturac, Hilal Okur, Batuhan Ersoy (2017): Göllüdağ Volkanik Kompleksi İçerisinde Kültürel ve Jeolojik Miras Öğeleri The cultural and geological heritage sites within the Göllüdağ Volcanic Complex. Geological Bulletin of Turkey 01/2017; 60(1)., DOI:10.25288/tjb.297803
Anne-Kyria Robin, Damase Mouralis, Ebru Akköprü, Bernard Gratuze, Catherine Kuzucuoglu, Sebastien Nomade, Alison Peirera, Korhan Erturaç, Ali Fuat Dogu, Lamya Khalidi: Identification and characterization of two new obsidian sub-sources in the Nemrut volcano (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey): The Sıcaksu and Kayacık obsidian. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 09/2016; 9:705-717., DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.08.048
Azad Sağlam Selçuk, M. Korhan Erturaç, Serkan Üner, Erman Özsayın, Edwige Pons-Branchu: Evolution of Çamlık Fissure-Ridge Travertines in the Başkale Basin (Van, Eastern Anatolia). Geodinamica Acta 08/2016; 29(1)., DOI:10.1080/09853111.2016.1228037
Azad Saglam Selcuk, M.Korhan Erturaç, Sebastien Nomade: Geology of the Çaldıran Fault, Eastern Turkey:Age, Slip Rate and Implications on the Characteristic Slip Behaviour. Tectonophysics 05/2016; 680:155-173., DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.05.019
Steven L Kuhn, Nur Balkan-Atlı, Berkay Dinçer, Mehmet Korhan Erturac,: Paleolithic occupations of the Göllü Dağ, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Field Archaeology 08/2015; 40(5)., DOI:10.1179/2042458215Y.0000000020
Anne-Kyria Robin, Damase Mouralis, Catherine Kuzucuoglu, Ebru Akkopru, Bernard Gratuze, Ali Fuat Dogu, Korhan Erturac, Joel Cetoute: Obsidian outcrops from Nemrut volcano (eastern Anatolia): Evidence in favor of an exploitable source, first results. Géomorphologie relief processus environnement 07/2015; 21(3):217-234.
Nizamettin KAZANCI, Ömer EMRE, Korhan ERTURAÇ, Suzanne A. G. LEROY, Salim ÖNCEL, Özden İLERİ, and Özlem TOPRAK: Possible incision time of the large valleys in Southern Marmara Region, NW Turkey. Bulletin of The Mineral Research and Exploration 06/2014; 148(148):1-17., DOI:10.19111/bmre.18782
Levent Selçuk, Harun Aydin, Azad Sağlam Selçuk, M. Korhan Erturaç: The role of soil behavior on structural damages during 2011 Van (Turkey) earthquakes. DOI:10.5176/2335-6774_1.1.8
Gürsel Sunal, M. Korhan Erturaç: Estimation of the pre-North Anatolian Fault Zone pseudo-paleo-topography: A key to determining the cumulative offset of major post-collisional strike-slip faults. Geomorphology 07/2012; s 159–160:125–141., DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.03.013
M Korhan Erturaç, Okan Tüysüz: Kinematics and Basin Formation Along the Ezinepazar-Sungurlu Fault Zone, NE Anatolia, Turkey. TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 04/2012; 21(4):497-520., DOI:10.3906/yer-0910-27
Nur Balkan-Atlı, Steve Kuhn, Laurence Astruc, Nurcan Kayacan, Berkay Dinçer, Semra Balcı, Mehmet Korhan Erturaç, Michel Grenet: Göllü Dağ Survey 2010. 01/2011; 19(1):259-278., DOI:10.3406/anata.2011.1096
M Korhan Erturaç, Okan Tüysüz: Amasya ve çevresinin depremselliği ve deterministik deprem tehlike analizi, İTÜ Dergisi (D), (2010).
Nafiye Gunec Kiyak, M. Korhan Erturaç: Luminescence Ages of Feldspar Contaminated Quartz from Fluvial Terrace Sediments. Geochronometria 01/2008; 30(1):55-60., DOI:10.2478/v10003-008-0007-8
N. Kazancı, Ö. Toprak, S.A.G. Leroy, S. Öncel, Ö. Ileri, Ö. Emre, P. Costa, K. Erturaç, E. McGee: Boron content of Lake Ulubat sediment: A key to interpret the morphological history of NW Anatolia, Turkey. Applied Geochemistry 01/2006; 21(1-21):134-151., DOI:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2005.09.003